99th Infantry Division
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 Pfc John Starzyk

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Posts : 1
Join date : 2012-07-12

Pfc John Starzyk Empty
PostSubject: Pfc John Starzyk   Pfc John Starzyk EmptyThu Jul 12, 2012 4:46 pm

Does anyone know of a Pfc. John Starzyk, he was from Uniontown PA, as were many of the members of the 99th. He was a paratrooper, but injured at Fort Benning and transferred to the infantry. He was part of the Battle of the Bulge and later was used an interpreter to translate Polish when the slave labor camps were liberated. He is my father and of course didn't talk too much about the war, but now that he's gone, I'd like to know as much as possible. Thanks. John Starzyk.
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