99th Infantry Division
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 Lark- Application

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Posts : 1
Join date : 2009-06-18

Lark- Application Empty
PostSubject: Lark- Application   Lark- Application EmptyThu Jun 18, 2009 7:13 pm

Current In-game Name: Lark

Steam-ID: 0:1:18105914


Last Name: Ramos

Location (Time zone): pacific

Avalibility (how much time can you devote to the unit): alot

Desired Realism name: Lark

,Previous Realism Experience? if yes, how long, and previous Units?: 2 years , pass units 506th, 28th,104th,97th,26th,

Why are you joining the 99th? Im Joining the 99th Cause im looking for a other unit that i know

Do you have a Mic? yes but doesnt work

Special Skills:

Lastly, what should the 99th expect from you?
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